Instrumental Music Tuition Enrolment Form - School Instrumental Music Tuition Enrolment Form - School First Name * Last Name * School * Year Level * Class * Parent / Caregiver’s Name * Address * Post Code * Phone (1) Phone (2) Email * Instrument * Do you require a hire instrument, fees apply, (guitar, violin available): Most classes will require a lesson book. I agree to a lesson book being issued and charged to my account (may also include postage and handling). I have read and understand the attached Terms and Conditions Other charges may also be levied including an annual administration charge and school instrument fees. You will be contacted by LTM with details of your child’s lesson, and all fees and charges. Submission of this form does not constitute completed enrolment. Please see below for Terms and Conditions. Parent / Caregiver’s Signature * signature keyboard Clear Date * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit