Enrolment starts by sending a completed enrolment form to us. We will then confirm your enrolment including disclosure of all fees and charges.
Enrolment is ongoing, that is, you will automatically be re-enrolled next term unless you notify us of your intent to withdraw. This includes automatic re-enrolment into term 1 of the following year.
For school students, if you leave the school prior to graduation, you must also notify us so that we can withdraw you from the lesson timetable.
Our lesson structure follows the South Australian school calendar. The year is split up into four terms. We are closed on public holidays.
When invoicing, we invoice for the amount of weeks in the term (Term 1 has 11 weeks, term 4 has 9, the rest are 10 weeks). Public holidays that fall on your lesson day are omitted from your invoice at the beginning of the term/enrolment.
Lessons are generally given by the same tutor each week, however we will sometimes substitute a different tutor as circumstances require.
For school students, pupil free days, school closures and other events on the school calendar like sports day are also omitted from your invoice at the beginning of the term.
Lessons are held on the same day each week, unless otherwise arranged, and usually at the same time. Some lessons are held during school hours, others after hours.
Lessons are generally given by the same tutor each week, however we will sometimes substitute a different tutor as circumstances require.
Tutors generally collect the students from their home class and return them there at the end of the lesson. Tutors will make notes in a weekly lesson diary to communicate with parents about home practice, upcoming performances or other notes. Instrumental music reports are sent out twice per year at the end of terms 2 and 4.
Other charges that may be levied include an annual administration charge, instrument term levies, and or school instrumental fees where instruments are provided by the school (charge is set by the school). You will be informed of these during the enrolment process.
Payment for lessons is done per term, in advance. You will be sent an invoice upon beginning lessons for the remainder of that current term and then all invoices from that point are sent before the beginning of the term. Payments details are included on the invoice.
Our payment terms are strictly 7 days from invoice date. If payment of fees has not been received within one week of the due date, attendance will be suspended until full payment, including late fees ($15), has been received and processed in our office. No credit is provided for missed lessons (see below). If payment is not received or alternative payment arrangements have not been made within two weeks of the due date, the matter will be transferred to a debt collection agency.
In the case of a missed lesson, we don't offer any credits or refunds against future or previous invoices. In the event of a last minute cancellation or absence by a student, that lesson is lost.
If you are able to give 48 hours notice of a lesson cancellation of studio lessons via email to info@ltmusic.com.au, that lesson can be credited towards further invoices, or a makeup lesson for the one missed can also be arranged.
Lessons missed at school by the tutor will be made up either adding an additional day of teaching at some point through the term, or extending lesson lengths slightly to make up for the untaught lesson. In the event this can't be done, lesson will not be chargeable when the account is reconciled at the end of the term and will be adjusted on the next terms invoice.
We don't give out teacher contact numbers or emails, since we need to be kept in the loop with all communications to ensure consistency and thorough administration processes - and they need to be able to focus on quality teaching. Please direct all enquiries, absence notifications and information to info@ltmusic.com.au.
If a tutor is unwell or absent, a substitute tutor will be arranged for your lesson. In the event we are not able to provide a substitute, the lesson will be cancelled. This lesson will not be chargeable when the account is reconciled at the end of the term, and will be adjusted on the next terms invoice.
Withdrawal can only occur at the end of the current term. Written notification of withdrawal must be received by us prior to the end of the current term via email. Only when we have confirmed the withdrawal shall the withdrawal be considered effective. Failure to give proper notice will result in ongoing lesson charges. Giving notice to your music tutor does not constitute giving proper notice. Any refundable credits left on your account will be refunded.
Yes. At the very least to practise at home.
Students must also bring their own instrument to the lesson, the exception being drums and piano, which are provided in the lesson at both schools and studios.
Instrument hire is on a term-by-term basis and ongoing until you advise us you wish to cancel. Cancellation can only occur at the end of a term. Written notification of cancellation must be received by us prior to the end of that particular term via email. Only when we have confirmed the cancellation shall the cancellation be considered effective.
Instruments and accessories are expected to be returned at the end of the hire period in a similar condition to which they were issued, allowing for reasonable wear and tear. We reserve the right to charge for repair or replacement of the instrument where this is not the case.
(Note The term We/Us denotes Learning Through Music Administration, all communication via email, info@ltmusic.com.au)